Summer Is Here I Think…

 I stayed on my own for a bit last night while Nix went with some of the other neighbours to help one lady move furniture around. Down here a couple of times a year we have ‘Artist’s Open Houses’ where artists put their work on display in their own homes and a couple of our neighbours take part. Nix used to go round in Hove when we lived there just to nose round people’s houses but she did buy things too. 

I’ve been quite a lucky boy today so far. We had an early morning walk on the beach and then we went into town as it was the Artisan’s Market. We bumped into our neighbour Shaun so we walked over with him, he was going to buy special tea. We came back through the churchyard so that was very enjoyable especially as it wasn’t yet 10am 🙂

We’ve been to Buckingham Park this afternoon and I have learned  two more hand signals. As you know I already know the hand signals for ‘come here and get a move on’ and ‘you’re a very good boy’ though that doesn’t come up that often. I also know ‘stand still and have your photo taken and then get a treat’ which is my favourite. Today I learned ‘you’re a very naughty boy’ which is Nix wagging her finger at me and my favourite, ‘where the heck have you got to now’ which entails Nix standing with her hands on her hips 🫢 This is because I have a habit of disappearing into the shrubbery and not coming out where Nix expects me to…I’m getting a cowbell


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