Nix’s Birthday Today… πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸΎπŸΎ

 It’s Nix’s Birthday today and she’s already had loads of messages. Thank you all and she is going to look at them all later and will write and thank everyone. At the moment she’s had too much Prosecco so don’t expect too much from this blog πŸ™„πŸ€£

The day started as usual except it was really warm and sunny. We went all the way to the old fort and had a slow walk home. We were quite early and there was no one around really, Nix said most sensible people were still in bed.

After a short rest we set out for church. It’s Pentecost Sunday today and that’s very exciting apparently. Anyway when we got there we saw a box sitting on our pew with a rose on the top. There was a card from Sheila and Edgar and a lemon drizzle cake inside the box. That was very nice of them and then at the end if the service everyone sang happy birthday to Nix which was very lovely and made her very happy. 

This afternoon we have been round to Jackie and Peter’s next door to celebrate Nix’s birthday a bit longer. I tried to dig the lawn up so had to go on my lead πŸ™„ Barney was there too and Indie of course. There was lemon drizzle which was very nice and Prosecco which was probably a mistake after the first glass because as you know Nix just can’t handle it. 

We’re home now and Kay came round with a birthday card so she and Nix have been putting the world to rights…again and I’m still waiting for my last walk πŸ™„ When Nix has finished typing I’m thinking fish and chips might be a possibility πŸ˜‹


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