Brooklands Park Today And I Got Just A Bit Smelly…Apparently 🫢

 Nix has mended my toys that I accidentally ripped the stuffing out of. Who knew she actually owned a sewing box though it may have seen the light of day when she unsuccessfully tried to fix my coat which kept sliding off. There was a lot of tutting, the cotton was too thin, the eye of the needle was too small, the stuffing kept falling out. Miraculously she has repaired both of them and they do look okay but I’m not holding my breath. The decapitated Alpaca from Petra and Therese was the most difficult apparently. The rabbit from Kathleen and Marshall was easier but she couldn’t hide the bad sewing because the hair wasn’t long enough.  Nix will probably post photos so best to just humour her and say they look really good and you’d never know they had been repaired. It’s not really a proper lie, you’d just be being kind 😇

We’ve been to Brooklands Park this afternoon. I’m still not allowed in the big lake because some fish died and they’re not sure how safe it is but there is the other pool, the one with the tadpoles. Unfortunately, because it’s been quite hot and we haven’t had any rain it was quite smelly. When I say quite smelly I probably should say it stank to high heaven and apparently so did I when I got out. I won’t go in the sea when the tide is in so I had the indignity of being hosed down in the garden.  We have home group this evening and Nix is wondering if she can take me as I still smell quite bad. Hopefully a wander along the beach in a while will freshen me up. 

Nix has been sun bathing in the garden. A seagull did a big poopy as he flew over and although it missed Nix, it landed with such force on the floor it splattered all over her leg 🫣 She was not amused. 

Nix has been invited next door for a cup of tea on her Birthday so she’s very pleased about that.  The Bartram family have been good friends to us. Nix and I are really glad we moved to Shoreham.


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