We Went to a Tea Party This Afternoon 🙂

 Well we’re a bit late writing the blog today. This is because we’ve been out to a scone and cream tea this afternoon in the vicarage garden. Nix was an interloper really because it was a tea for newcomers to our church but Nix felt that seeing as how she’s never been to a newcomers tea before she should go to this one. No one seemed to mind and I certainly didn’t as I got a bit of scone with cream on it…this was only after Nix had picked out the sultanas of course. We watched a very interesting film afterwards about the area where we live and when the church was first built. I must admit to sleeping through most of it but Nix really enjoyed it. We’ve just got back and I shall have a nap and then probably a quick walk round the block for a last wee. 

This morning we went to church as usual and I greeted my many friends. Thing is we don’t have a choir at the moment as they are on strike for the whole month of August. Nix says they’re not on strike, just taking a little holiday which they well deserve. Canon Peter who was leading the service said that as we had no choir the congregation should try and sing as loud as they could. Thing is most of the choir were there anyway so what with their singing and the congregation being louder than usual I’m not sure I liked it, it was a bit too loud for me…I prefer the quieter times. I got Nix to take videos of both to show you, she likes it when it’s loud, which do you prefer? 

On the way to the afternoon tea Nix took a photo of me on the rocks…


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