Sunday, a Day of Rest…Sort Of ๐Ÿ™‚

Well it’s Sunday, a day of rest…supposedly. I’ve been doing a fair bit of resting but Nix not so much. We had an early morning walk on the boardwalk before church, I stayed on my lead. It wasn’t the end of the world because we always come back down the streets anyway and I would have to be on my lead then. When we actually go to church we drive most of the way now because it’s too hot to walk. I did get to go off my lead on the beach down there because it’s a long way away from the BCJ. After church we have tea and biscuits, my favourite bit. This morning I managed to win over our organist Tony who brought me a digestive biscuit all to myself. He’s my favourite person at the moment but I am open to all offers ๐Ÿ˜‰

When we got home and I was asleep Nix thought she’d sneak out to buy some garden bags to put all the prunings and weeds in and who should walk past but our neighbours Maureen and Peter. When Nix said where she was going they said as their garden bin was empty Nix could put all her stuff in there save her buying bags. So…Nix walks up with them to get the bin and she is invited in for a cup of tea. Notice there were no thoughts of me being on my own when she said yes. I don’t mind too much because I know Nix has been very excited about going into their home because it is one of the original bungalows. If you read about Bungalow Town in Shoreham you will see that they used to put old Bluebell railway carriages on either side of their wooden bungalows and they were used as bedrooms. Maureen and Peter’s bungalow still have the railway carriages.  There are very few left now and Nix has always wanted to see them so this was very exciting. She took a photo of one of the original windows and one of Maureen pretending to hold the bungalow up... it is very old and it leaks a bit ๐Ÿซข

After the cup of tea Nix got the bin which is quite big and heavy and wheeled it down to ours. She then filled it up with all our weeds and wheeled it back again. There were a few hairy moments apparently crossing the driveways as they are a bit uneven.  Miraculously she made it without tipping the bin over or falling over herself. I wish we had a railway carriage in our garden, I could sleep in it ๐Ÿ™‚

PS We did go to the three cornered copse as a treat ๐Ÿ™‚


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