Back to the Vets to Get My Dew Claws Clipped, That Wasn’t Very Enjoyable 😔

 Well another very busy day. First of all a couple of photos from the newcomers’ tea yesterday. Unfortunately my tail picked up quite a lot ot thingies from the vicarage garden and I dragged most of them into the church on my tail. Nix swept up afterwards so that’s okay, she needs to do that a bit more often here at home. It took her forever to get them out of my tail, much longer than it should have but I’m looking smart again now.

This morning we had to go and pick up my antibiotics from the vet and Nix had arranged for me to have my dew claws cut with the nurse as she forgot to ask Bron to do them last week. She’s going to be Nurse Nasty from now on because she really hurt me and made my claw bleed. It spoiled our planned walk to the puppy park afterwards as Nix didn’t want me to get it too dirty. She’s promised that we can go back next week. Nix was very upset because I bared my teeth at the vet nurse when she tried to stop it bleeding. I’ve never done that in my life to anyone, not even the BCJ. The nurse tried to give me a treat but I refused it. Bron heard what had happened and she called to make sure I was okay. Nix said it was more scary because of my platelet situation. It was my idea to caption the photo in blood red letters for effect 🤣

This afternoon I have been to Buckingham Park because Nix drove a lady from church to her appointment at the hospital and we were able to go for a walk in the park while we waited for her. We had lemon drizzle cake 🙂


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