We’re Going to Have a Street Party for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee ๐Ÿ™‚

 Can you believe we’re still taking it easy. The rain hasn’t helped, no one really wants to go out in that. When I say ‘no one’ that basically means Nix because I like the rain. We did go out last night to see the sunset which was nice but today we haven’t really done that much. We had a quick walk down the beach this morning in the drizzle and then we came home. 

Oh yes we did go to the big decorators’ shop and Nix bought stuff to kill the ants, stuff to kill the slugs and stuff to make the flowers grow. She says she doesn’t like killing things but you’d never know ๐Ÿ™„ We went to Buckingham Park afterwards and it was completely empty. Humans don’t like the rain, you have to train them.

I am very excited because we’re going to have a street party on 2nd June for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Thingy. We will be able to visit everyone’s gardens to say hello and have cups of tea and glasses of Prosecco. Nix says it reminds her of when she was seven and it was the Queens Coronation and they had a street party then. There was a fancy dress competition and Nix‘s mum had two rosettes made one for Nix to wear on her head and one for her chest and she won the competition. She had to take part in the parade afterwards and one of her sandals broke, funny isn’t it the things humans remember! I’d just remember if the food ran out ๐Ÿ˜‹

Nix just video’d an ant carrying a piece of food that was twice the size of himself. She says she’s glad she bought the ant killer as they’re trying to take over ๐Ÿซฃ


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