The Annual Flower Walk on the Beach


You know Nix had her booster thingy yesterday, it’s the fourth one. She’s never had any problems and to say she was a little impatient with those who thought they were suffering would not be too much of an exaggeration. This time however it was her turn 🤭 She came home and developed a terrible headache, something she never gets. Her arm was so sore she couldn’t lift it and it only got worse during the night. By this morning she was in agony but I persuaded her we still had to go out and so she felt a lot better after some fresh air. Later on we drove half way to church so we didn’t have such a long walk home. I found a squeaky ball on the beach and took it under a boat that was precariously balanced on two pieces of wood. I wouldn’t come out when Nix called me, I liked it there it was all dark and secret….I did get into serious trouble 🫣

Unfortunately Nix didn’t feel too good in church and so we didn’t go for coffee but came straight home. I went for a sleep in the summerhouse and Nix lay on the bed so she could ‘keep an eye’ on me. She fell asleep almost straight away of course and I could’ve dug up the whole garden if I’d wanted to but I was a very good boy and I just had a really lovely sleep.

We woke up just in time to join the annual flower walk on the beach. They taught us all about the very special flowers that grow on our beach and how we can protect them. Nix was fascinated, I was bored. On the way though I met two really nice children. They were called Luna and Jet and I really liked them and I think they really liked me too. Nix asked for permission to take their photo with me…I gave it of course 🤣


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