Platelets Going Down, Phormiums Coming Up 🤭


Oh dear oh dear oh dear I seem to have got things a bit wrong. I thought that Nix didn’t like to see me digging up the garden but in fact she just doesn’t like the garden being dug up full stop. I waited almost an hour this morning for her to go into the lounge where she couldn’t see me and I was very fast. I almost had the entire phormium up and that’s quite something because their roots go really deep. Nix went bonkers when she saw me and I was made to go inside. She embarrassed herself shouting at me, I don’t know what the neighbours must think. 

I thought I wasn’t going to get a walk because Nix was in such a bad mood but eventually we did go to the Hill. It was too hot to go up so we went through the little wood. Apparently I was annoying there too because I was faffing around whatever that means. The walk was actually cut short because Nix said it was too hot to stand around waiting for me. We got back to the car and she felt guilty of course so we went for a little extra walk round the streets keeping in the shade. 

We got home and I wasn’t allowed in the garden until she’d made her cup of tea etc and then she said I could go out and she would lie on the bed and watch me. Seriously, she was so engrossed in doing stuff on the iPad that she didn’t even notice me heading for the Phormium. I can dig silently now but the silence was soon broken when she saw me. I might be needing another copy book 🤭 Can I just say though that this morning at church they were looking at the gifts of the spirit… love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control…just saying 🙄


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