Been to the Vets Todat to Get My Platelets Checked 🙂

 So been to see Bron this morning to have my blood taken to check my platelets and we should get the results back on Thursday. Unfortunately I have lost some more weight but Bron isn’t worried because she thinks it’s just muscle loss. I’ve gone from 19.1kg three weeks ago to 18.40kg. I have been this low before so I shall try and eat a bit more. 

All the ants have gone and Nix is feeling really bad about murdering them. She’s going round looking for any that might have survived and wondering if they suffered at all. I think one of them bit me on my bottom because it made me jump and throw myself at the door to get out…I’m glad they’ve gone. 

I stayed on my own when we got back from the vet because Nix had to go to the chemist and collect some more eye drops. This is because she misses her eye most times and so she’s used them all up. She was gone for ages because the computer in the chemist wasn’t working and although they had the drops they weren’t allowed to give them to Nix unless they could print out a label….it’s the law apparently. 

Nix explained she had to have them as the uses them four times a day and the chemist said there was nothing she could do…that’s really bad isn’t it 😕 Nix said she was tempted to grab the eye drops and run but decided against that mainly because she can’t actually run without falling over. She asked if she could put a drop in her eye there and then come back and collect them later. They said yes but then of course she needed a mirror to see what she was doing. The first one they got wasn’t magnifying so Nix couldn’t see anything in it. They brought her a magnifying one and then she had to get the chemist to hold it because she’s used to using both hands to put the drops in…she needs one to hold the eye open for some reason 🤣 They’ve said they’ll call when their computer is working and Nix can go and collect them. I’m not amused because I shall have to stay on my own again 😕

There aren’t many photos because Nix forgot to take one with Bron at the vets but I did get one taken with the paw print outside. I also had my photo taken with the grass verge to show you how long it is. This month we have a no mow May month where house owners are encouraged not to mow their lawns so the bees can help themselves to the flowers. The verges here are very long, I think the bees will like it 🙂


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