Meditation This Morning and Then a Lovely Walk Down the River 🙂
Important things first…I am completely better 😇 The vet has been in touch with Nix and I do have a urinary infection. My wee is alkaline and there is blood and protein in it and white blood cells too of course. Nothing to worry about as my wee is often like that, it’s because my kidneys don’t work properly and also I do have a foreign body inside me 😱 Nix still has to wait for the culture results but I expect they’ll be the same as usual and it just means a month of antibiotics which I’ve already started.
Friday mornings are meditation in the big church over the footbridge. It starts at 8am and I like to have a walk on the beach first but Nix overslept this morning so it was all a bit of a rush. I sleep through the meditation bit and then my favourite part is the tea and croissants afterwards in the parish hall. On the way there I played a joke on Nix and started eating some grass which is what I do when I’m poorly. It really scared her but then I started jumping around and she knew I was alright.
On the way back we bumped into George and Shaun our neighbours. They have two rescue dogs called Dizzy and Sox and I quite like them. Nix asked the boys as she calls them where they’d been and they told her they’d had bacon sarnies in the graveyard. Nix was trying to recall a cafe called the Graveyard and then suddenly realised they meant the actual graveyard. They all thought that was very funny, I’ll never really get human humour. I mean what’s funny about eating a bacon sarnie in the graveyard, I would definitely eat one if there was one going 😇
We were just approaching the end of our road and Steve our postman was chatting to one of our neighbours. Suddenly I spotted the BCJ on the other side of the road and I went bonkers. I lurched forward and nearly knocked Steve over. It really scared him I think, he did jump a bit. Apparently there’s a thing to do with dogs and postmen.
As I didn’t get a proper walk before church I suppose I did get a bit demanding just before lunch. Nix was so happy I was well that she took me down the river...I knew it would work 😇
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