I’m Still a Bit Poorly but Better Than I Was

 Bonjour everyone šŸ˜‡

I am feeling a little better this evening  but still not quite right. While Nix was at the eye hospital I sat with Jackie and put my head in her lap. I never do that usually but I wanted to feel close to someone and Nix wasn’t here. I think Nix  was expecting me to be much improved when she got back from the hospital simply because I’d had a bit of a mini incident on the beach earlier. I had tried to flatten this dog which Nix says looked nothing like the BCJ other than he was brown. Nix was going to cancel her eye appointment which she has been waiting over a year for and we couldn’t have that so I thought if I had a bit of an incident it would give her the confidence to leave me with Jackie for a while. Now she’s home and I’ve gone a bit quiet again but I did do a perfect poo so that’s two today and I haven’t been sick at all. I haven’t really felt hungry today so the plan now is for Nix to see how I am tomorrow and if I’m not right she will take me to the vet. 

The good news is Nix has been okayed to get her cataracts fixed and they think it will be a couple of months. Once they’ve done the one she will go back a couple of weeks later if all is well and have the other one done. I fear she will be able to see the BCJ before I do which is not good. She said they put these weird sort of glasses on her with lots of holes in them. When she looked through one of the holes she could read every letter on the sight board. She said it was amazing and she hopes it will look like that once her cataracts have gone. She had to have drops in her eyes and she was not happy about that because apparently they really sting. If you think that’s bad think about what I’ll probably have to have done tomorrow to check my temperature šŸ˜±

As we have no photos of moi today Nix decided to see what memories Facebook would bring up and guess what, it didn’t bring up any of moi, just brought up Ruby. I tried to kill her the first night I arrived to live with Nix šŸ˜‡


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