The New Front Door has Arrived…

 How I’m meant to write a blog when I’ve been stuck indoors all day I really don’t know. Nix’s new front door arrived and I was expecting tears as she bid goodbye to the old one. She really loved that door but the point is it let the rain in. Anyway the new one looks exactly like the old one even though it’s ‘fake wood’ as Nix puts it but she says if she doesn’t think about it too much she can get through the trauma…seriously 🙄 To be honest with her eyesight I’m surprised she can tell the difference anyway 🤣 

I sat and watched all morning while the new door was fitted by Lee. I cannot understand why humans can’t see why I wouldn’t be remotely bothered by the very loud drill but when Nix sneezed I ran into the garden terrified. I don’t like sneezing, what can I say but with drills, I am a brave Bear 🙄

We did have a quick trip to the beach because Lee wanted to make a little bit of cement to make a repair and he had no sand. We went and collected some for him to save him driving to the builders’ shop. That clearly wasn’t considered by moi to be a half decent walk so I managed to get a trip to the river a bit later on. They had what Nix calls ‘idiot pilots’ who switch their engines off just as they’re flying over your head. Doesn’t bother me but it really scares Nix. Can someone explain to Nix that shouting up at the plane, “I don’t like it when you do that…” is never really going to stop it happening 🤣

I had to make Nix take more photos otherwise there would have been more photos of that door than there were of moi😇


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