Praying for Pen Farthing to Get All His Cats and Dogs Out of Kabul 🙏

 We went to the beach this morning and we stopped for a cup of tea. Freddie was there, he is very annoying and I had to tell him off a couple of times. Didn’t really make any difference 🤣 I did meet a very pretty Romanian dog but she was very nervous. 

After we got back Nix went back to the beach with Jackie sans moi! Apparently they were in the water and Nix felt something on her leg, she screamed and looked down and saw something black. She screamed again, Jackie screamed and then they both realised it was Jackie’s foot. So embarrassing, thank goodness I wasn’t there. Also they’ve both got these swimming robe thingies that they wear so when they come out of the water they can just put them on and walk home. They march down to the beach in their robes with their boards under their arms and are then presumably a major disappointment to anyone who is looking as neither of them can actually swim 🤣🤣🤣 

This afternoon we were going to the woods but we got stuck in traffic because there was an accident so we turned round and went to Brooklands Park instead. I like it there, I got some Victoria sponge and there’s always the off chance of seeing the Husky. 

 Nix and I are praying for Pen Farthing and all the cats and dogs he’s rescued in Afghanistan and is trying to get out of a place called Kabul. It is very dangerous there and difficult for them but we just heard they will be flying on a plane to somewhere called Uzbekistan and then they will fly to our country. They’ve had to leave all their helpers behind and that’s made them all very sad so we’ll be praying that they can all come and live over here too 🙏🙏🙏


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