A Lady Today Said I Looked Like a Dressage Horse 😇


I’ve had a rather leisurely day today while Nix has been quite busy. This morning we did have a lovely walk on the beach  and a lady said I looked just like a dressage horse. I didn’t quite catch what Nix’s response was but it had something to do wth ’a bucking bronco’…can’t think who she could have been talking about 😇 We did see a Reggie Perrin on the beach, hope it’s not still there this afternoon because I don’t like them. 

After our walk we drove to the station to pick up Nix’s friend Beth. We called in at The Artisan to pick up something for their lunch because as you know, Nix is far too lazy to cook. They had  frittata thingies whatever they are, not my cup of tea. I stuck with the haggis treats from Liz.  

While Beth was here Nix put some highlights in her hair and then Nix got Beth to take a photo of her next to the Sulking Room Pink front door. It had a stay of execution from last Monday and is now being replaced on Tuesday much to Nix’s distress 🙄

After we’d taken Beth back to the station we went on to Buckingham Park. I thought you might like to see the sweet chestnut tree which is hundreds of years old and an old notice board.


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