We got Visitors from Scotland, I Got Haggis Treats

 Nix has been very very busy…for a change. She had to get my custard cream balls made because as you all know I have to go back on my antibiotics for a month. I’m on day 2 already so only 29 to go. I don’t usually eat very well when I’m on them but I’ve just eaten two meals in one go. 

Guess what…Liz and Janette came to visit today from Scotland and they brought with them a harness pour moi. It fits perfectly and is quite comfortable and I shall be wearing it from now on. This is because if I have any incidents or more likely when I have more incidents Nix can hold me tight without it hurting my throat. I’m just hoping it’s not going to cramp my style. Guess what else I got from Liz and Janette…home made haggis treats…I really like them. 

I took Liz and Janette down our beach for a walk. I was let off the lead too though under threat of the haggis treats being confiscated if there were any incidents…there were none 😇 We stopped for a cup of tea for them and nowt pour moi as usual. Richard and Louise who own the cafe had their son helping out today. His name is Jango… Nix called him Tango 🙄

Nix is currently reading the harness instructions to make sure she puts it on right 🙄


  1. Can see you're impressed with your harness Fripp!
    But you look very smart and adorable as always ❤️


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