Very Noisy Skies, I Don’t Like Them πŸ˜•

 Well to say we’ve been taking it easy today is a bit of an understatement really but it has been raining I suppose…a lot…even the duck race was cancelled. At least we didn’t get the very noisy skies like the night before last. Nix said she didn’t get any sleep because I was trembling so much the whole bed was shaking. I wasn’t scared of course, just a bit excited. I always dig the floor up when I’m excited but I was forced to have my collar and lead on and get on the bed. Nix fell asleep with the light on and my lead still in her hand. I don’t like the noisy skies at all, I’m not scared as you know but they’re very annoying and make it hard to sleep.

Apparently I was a pain in the bum last night because when we went out for our evening walk I was on high alert. I can’t help it if that BCJ has been spotted down that road, it’s not my fault. If I see a dog coming I just assume it’s him and so I go all sort of rigid in Nix’s words. Then I start whining in Nix’s words and then start prancing around in Nix’s words. What I’m actually doing is just being a dog, I do what dogs do. Trouble is I’ve hurt my throat pulling and so Nix is going to put me in a harness…’like a big baby’ she said πŸ˜• Anyway we found an escaped dog on our way back so we took her home and I got an extra walk. I think we walked very nicely together and I only tried to hump her the once 🀣

Today I stayed on my own when Nix went to church and next week they will be allowed to sing again. Nix is very excited about this, anyone sitting within earshot, probably not so much 🀣 We have been down to the river and saw the big dredger. A man who lives there told Nix that once when it was turning round it crashed into the sea wall 🀭

So that’s about as interesting as I can make my day I’m afraid, Nix will try harder tomorrow. I can add a photo taken in the park the other day.


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