I’ve Got a Sister in France Called Calie 🙂

 Nix got a photo yesterday of my sister Calie who belongs to a lady called Sophie who lives in France…as you know I am French.  I haven’t really met Calie apart from when we were all babies together. Nix thinks she looks like me but probably isn’t as naughty. She goes on the paddle board so we’re probably not much alike, you wouldn’t get me on one of those things and can you imagine Nix 🤣🤣🤣

Nix has been thinking about some of my ‘incidents’ in the past and she’s beginning to realise that I’ve always been naughty. I hadn’t lived with her for long when there was the first black Labrador incident on Hove beach. I was two years old and I’d been living with Nix for  a few months. One day I spotted this black Labrador on the beach. I don’t quite know what came over me but I raced down the beach and knocked him over. Nix got told off by the owner who said I should be on the lead as I was vicious. That’s not true I never bite, I just make a lot of noise. The Labrador moved away eventually, Nix said that was probably because he couldn’t face seeing me every day 🤣

After the Labrador came the Springer spaniel. He lived a few houses down and he always went for me when I walked past him so  I felt obliged to ‘answer back’ and we both used to scream at each other. His owner let him go once and he came flying across the road to get to me but when he got there we just stared at each other. The  Springer was very old and he went to the rainbow bridge but I soon found a replacement. 

The Jack Russell terrier…now there’s a dog easy to wind up. This one use to belong to the local Vicar and every time we walked past the vicarage the dog used to go ballistic. I did see him once on the beach and we were both off the lead and we had a bit of a scrap…nothing serious but Nix got told off again as it was apparently my fault.  

Next was the small white terrier and to be honest I do feel quite bad about him. He had something wrong with his brain and he didn’t walk properly and I couldn’t help myself, I just had to knock him over. Nix went mad and I stayed on my lead for quite a long time in the morning after that.

I’m eleven now so I don’t think four incidents in all that time is too bad, well five if you include the BCJ 😇


  1. Thanks for the little bit of history Fripp.
    Your sister is just as beautiful as you are handsome! 😊


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