Bit of a Naughty Boy Today 🤭😙

 So I know it’s not even lunchtime yet but Nix has insisted on getting the blog done early because she says if anything else happens today there’ll be no room to write about it. 

I’m afraid to say that it all started quite early when we set out on our walk to the old fort. This is of course BCJ territory so as you know I have to stay on my lead.  Nix was gossiping to Debbie on the phone when I spotted him. I can’t say I even tried to restrain myself because I don’t like him. He’s always on the lead so obviously very badly behaved and I don’t want him on my beach. I feel if I shout loud enough he won’t come back but the opposite seems to be happening. He is now walking on top of the mound of pebbles before you get to the sea flaunting himself at my expense 😡 I don’t like it but I can wait, I am a very patient Beardie 🙂

We got to the Pollinator Cafe at the old fort and Nix ordered a croissant and some tea. Bollow the Newfie was there, well he lives there, it’s his garden. Thing is we both wanted some of that croissant so Bollow and I hatched the perfect plan. Nix is always saying she can cope with sick, poo or blood but she can’t bear slobber. So… Bollow walks over to Nix and dumps a huge splodge of slobber right in her lap. She jumps up screaming and tries to wipe it off with her serviette and Bollow’s owners were trying to grab him. Nix was so busy being hysterical she didn’t notice moi, fast as lighting,  grabbed that croissant and was gone. I didn’t share any of it with Bollow because it was my plan and I did all the work.  Nix got a free replacement croissant anyway and Bollow got the blame…


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