Back on my Antibiotics but Only for a Month

 Last night was very annoying. The skies were very noisy and they kept lighting up our bedroom. Nix would have slept through it but I woke her up digging the bathroom floor up. The other night when it happened she fooled me Into getting on the bed with my collar and lead on and then I couldn’t get down again and when the skies are noisy I need to dig. She thought I’d fall for it again last night but oh no…I think not. She tried every way to get me on that bed but there was no way I was getting up there. She falls asleep with my lead in her hand and I’m just left to it…it’s not good enough. I’m not scared…at all, I just prefer to have Nix awake too. I apparently make the bed shake 🤣

This afternoon we have been to the other side of the river. It’s like when we used to live in Hove and drive there. I like it on that side and the tide was in so nice clean water. I do try to drink it but it’s a bit salty and anyway Nix takes water from the fridge for me so by the time we get there it’s the perfect temperature. 

When we got home Nix decided she was going to park in the drive even though we have visitors tomorrow. There is plenty of room for two cars and most normal people would reverse in. Nix not being normal decides to drive in frontwards and do a 25 point turn in the drive. Forwards backwards forwards backwards, thank goodness both our neighbours were out, sooo embarrassing. 

I got my culture results back and I have bacteria in my urine again so I have to go back on antibiotics. Nothing to worry about, I nearly always have to after a flush and it’s just for a month…they call it pulsing.


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