All Flushed Through Very Nicely Thank You 🙂

 We’ve been out for most of the day today. Most of the time was spent getting my bypass flushed at the vets. It took us a long time to get there and I had to have my walk in Hove park cut short but that was okay as it was quite hot. Nix said the traffic was bad because it’s Friday and everyone is heading home for the weekend. I wasn’t that bothered I was asleep in the back of the car 🙂 

When we got to the vets we had to sit outside and wait. It was half an hour before Bron my vet came to get me. Nix then has to wait in the car while my flush is done. Once Bron couldn’t do it because it was swollen and that was because there’d been an ‘incident’ 🤭 I had to go back three times before it could be done. As you know there was a bit of an incident recently and Nix was worried that the same might happen. Nix said it’s not so bad when you wait inside because there are people to talk to and it takes your mind off things. Just sitting in the car was a bit stressful I think and made worse by the fact I was in there for over an hour as opposed to the usual 20 minutes. I had some blood taken as well today and apparently it all looks very fine…considering. I’m not sure what we’re meant to be considering but anyway, I feel great. Nix said I smelled lovely when I came out. That would be because I got so many hugs from the vet nurses. They hug me while Bron does the flush and I don’t need any sedation. The vet nurses are always amazed that I don’t have to be sedated and Bron told Nix I save her £100 by being so brave. Note to self…£100 in credit 🙂

Tomorrow it will be three years since I went into kidney failure and had my bypass fitted. I’m apparently doing very well indeed 👏👏👏 You can see it in my X-ray.


  1. Thanks for vet update Fripp...what a stoic Beardie you are 😌


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