Visit to see Rog my Dog Father

 Busy day today and guess what, we found another buoy on the beach which will look very nice in our back garden. It belongs to a boat called the Royal Rebel so I’d like to keep it because I think it is rather suited to my nautical standing 🙂  Nix says we have to ask the owner if they want it back but hopefully they’ll say we can keep it.  

We don’t really know why I was named Fripp of course but Nix thinks it’s after some poncy English painter caller Albert Fripp. I have to say that I disagree and I know I was named after the very infamous pirate Captain Johannesburg Fripp. He was very swashbuckling a bit like moi 🙂

This afternoon we have been to see my dog father Rog in the hospice and he was really quite well. We went for a walk in the gardens and I gave him lots of kisses. I hope we can go and see him again next week. 


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