Egg and Avocado Bap in Worthing...

 Well we’ve been very busy bees today. First of all this morning I posed on the new bench. It’s like a sightseers bench and tells you all about Shoreham. It’s only here for a few days and then it will move along the coast. It’s part of the Brighton festival because they’re very arty there. Some bloke called me a poser, did you hear him...I was very flattered 🙂

When we got home a man came to collect the fence that Nix had taken down and replaced with a lower one so she could gab over the fence to our neighbour Jackie. She had been told she couldn’t saw the top off the old ones because it would fall apart. What did this chap do, sawed the top off because he wanted a shorter one...Nix was not happy, said she’d been misinformed 🙄

Lunchtime we went to Worthing for lunch. Nix had an egg and avocado bap on the beach. It smelled very good and Nix saved me a big piece of egg. Egg and avocado baps are very hard to eat when you don’t have a table and Nix got most of it over her face...people were staring 😱

This afternoon we have been to sit with Rog my dog father. He’s very poorly now but I washed his feet for him. Nix said it was like Jesus did in the bible and she thought he would like that. Nix and Rog said prayers together and I fell asleep. 


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