I Got Tripe Sticks for Easter, Nix Got Maltesers...in the Same Box 🤣🤣🤣


So couldn’t really be bothered to be good at the moment because I know Nix is going out this evening to do her church thingie so I was never going to get a decent walk today. I’ve got Auntie Jackie from next door coming in to keep me company so I’m saving up my good behaviour for her 🥰


My Beardie friends out there will agree I’m sure that we prefer to go through a door that is properly open. I don’t like squeezing through small gaps and so I usually refuse to move until Nix opens the door properly. She thought putting a wheelie bin to block my entrance to the side path would stop me from digging up the plants. This was never going to work and I should have thought this was very obvious. Being forced to go through a narrow doorway to suit Nix is never going to happen. Getting through an even narrower gap to get to the plants down the side is something completely different. You’d have thought she’d have learnt her lesson with the very expensive picket fence she bought to stop me getting at the other borders. By he time she’d got her phone to take a photo of me looking ‘pathetic’ I was over that fence 🤣

Nix has just had a shower and washed her hair...in Fairy Liquid ha ha. She ran out of shampoo last week and basically forgot to order some more but she’s blaming me and said my turkey mince costs so much she can’t afford shampoo. This is not correct. 

Auntie Sarah sent me tripe sticks for Easter and Maltesers for Nix...in the same box 🤣🤣🤣 I laughed a lot when she got the tripe sticks out, they smell really bad. Unfortunately the Maltesers were well packaged and so perfectly edible...one bag gone already 🙄


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