Nearly Got Mown Down by a MAMIL 🙄

 We went to the beach for the sunset last night.  It was quite busy but there was lots of room because the tide was right out. Everyone was able to behave themselves and not get too close. I was quite tired when we got home so had my dinner and went to sleep on Nix’s lap.

We’ve been to the Hill this afternoon and it was very strange because there weren’t many dogs. There were lots of humans though, all breaking the virus thingy rules.  Nix said they’d all got a bit ahead of themselves because the sun had come out and they weren’t really allowed to all mix together. I nearly got mown down by a MAMIL and Nix was quite cross. She took a photo of them and said she was going to report them because there were too many. Apparently in a month we shall be able to have picnics on benches... I shall be keeping my eyes open 😋 At the moment I have to make do with eating soil...apparently it’s not good for me but I like it 🙂

Nix thinks the summer’s arrived, she has been sitting on her bench out front chatting with her neighbour. I’m not allowed unless I’m on my lead so I took to my bed instead...too hot outside anyway. 


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