My Blood Tests Were Perfect
So I got my blood results back very quickly and they are amazing. My kidney values are completely in range again, a proper miracle Nix says and even the SDMA which is the early warner for kidney disease was only raised a bit. It was much higher a few years ago when I was first diagnosed. I had my platelets counted too because when I had my autoimmune disease I only had 9 left and this time I had 256! We have to wait another few days for my urine results and then a bit longer for the culture to grow. If I have too many bad bacteria I shall have to go back on the antibiotics for a bit.
Today was a good day, the sun has been shining and I’ve been to the Hill one of my favourite places. There were lots of dogs to make friends with but the best one was this really big dog. He wanted to play with me but I don’t do playing... never have but I let him run round me in circles. We nearly didn’t get to the Hill because Nix got a letter through the door this morning to say our road would be closed for four days and she didn’t think we could move the car. We were just about to set off so Nix took her big boots off as she thought we should have to walk on the beach. We got outside and our road wasn’t closed off properly so back inside we went so Nix could put her big boots on for the mud. Thing is when we got to the Hill, there wasn’t any mud 🤣
I only went missing the once on the hill and that was more to do with Nix’s eyesight than my behaviour. She says I’m a dog of two halves. In the house I’m always under her feet so she turns round and I’m right there. She says one of these days she’s going to fall over me but to be honest she doesn’t need my help, she is quite capable of falling over her own feet.
Having a kip in the garden now
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