I’ve Had My Hair Cut...

 I’ve had my hair cut and I feel great but very tired too. I don’t know if you know but I have no ball joint in one of my hips so having to stand for too long makes me very tired. Shelle my groomer said Nix had done really well with my grooming and I didn’t have to stand for too long. I had a little walk when I came out just for a wee but it does make me tired so I’m having a long nap. I have a big wart on my left paw.

Nix took some before photos but the only one of me after my groom is when I was asleep even though she woke me up taking it. She says I’ve stretched in the wash unlike her best cardy which definitely didn’t stretch, it doesn’t fit any longer. It could of course have something to do with the huge amount of food that’s been consumed during lockdown. 

It was meant to be sunny today but it’s raining instead. Tomorrow is definitely going to be sunny so I shall pose for some photos then but I might have my coat on because it’s still cold. I have to be a bit careful because I go for my flush on Monday and I don’t want to overdo it and make it swell again. 


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