It’s Royal Flush Day

 Guess what...I’ve had my flush. Nix was convinced I wouldn’t able to have it done because it was a bit swollen from when I took my flying leap yesterday but it was okay. I had blood taken too to check my kidneys and also to check on my platelets so got three checks for the price of one. We have to wait now for maybe a week for the flush results but the others will come sooner. Nix says it’s a good job I’m insured...I think she wishes she was then she could get her eye thingies fixed and she might be able to see where she’s going. 

Special thanks to auntie Shirley-Sam Donaldson who drove a long way to drive us to the vet which is temporarily moved a long way away from us. Only Bron my vet can do the flush so we had to go there but hopefully by the next time we have to go, Nix will have had her eyes fixed. I got to sit in the back of the car with Nix and I could put my head out of the window...thankfully I didn’t have to wear a mask like they did. When we got home Nix and Sam had sandwiches and cakes and then I got cuddles from auntie Sam. 

We haven’t done much else today so I’m posting a photo of me having a poo this morning 🤣 

I’ve had my lunch and I’m resting now until the next walk which should be in about five minutes.


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