The Clocks go Back

The clocks have changed...what’s that all about. I was ready at the usual time this morning and where was bed! I wouldn’t mind but she wasn’t even asleep, just determined to stay in bed until it got to the time she usually gets up...totally unacceptable. We did get out in the end as Nix remembered she was Zoomimg later and she said it would give her more time to get ready...for what exactly I have no idea. What it did mean however was that I only got a ridiculously short walk, on the lead. 

So she did her Zoom thingie and when it ended I let her know I was ready for a proper walk but it would not stop raining. Eventually it stopped and Nix decided we should go out quickly before it started again. She put her duvet coat on as it looked so cold out...wrong! By the time we’d got to the end of the road she was nearly passing out she was so hot. 

When we got to the beach she decided to risk letting me off the lead which doesn’t usually happen on a Sunday because apparently I can’t be trusted. I was impeccably behaved if you don’t count humping the Maltese terrier but he didn’t seem to mind. By this time Nix had decided to take the duvet off and carry it which made things awkward when she was trying to fish my poopies out of the curly sea kale.  She was in the middle of bagging it up when it started to pour with rain. Panic stations trying to get the duvet on and zipped up but she needn’t have bothered as she discovered to her detriment that it isn’t actually waterproof. Why don’t humans learn to shake when they’re that wet instead of dragging it all in the house.  

I’m very tired so going for a nap to finish drying off. 


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