Major Fish Failure

Major fish failure this morning, having fought a seagull and won I puked it up before I could get home and do it in the garden...would have been good for tea tomorrow. 

50mph winds today so Nix thought it would be a good idea to go to the woods at Lancing. We’d only been there five minutes when she decided she didn’t like the creaking trees. By the time we got halfway through she was catastrophising that the largest one would come crashing down. I’m not bothered, I could get out of the way as I’m very agile, Nix not so much. 

Can I just say that you’re very lucky to get this blog post today as apparently something called iOS14 arrived during the night and Nix can’t find anything on her iPad or her phone. Didn’t help that it started in Spanish...Hola it said...she wasn’t happy. 

She’s not happy either over all the new rules in Wales for the virus thingy.  Apparently there is a firebreak lockdown, I have no idea what that means and neither does Nix. She thinks it will affect I’m a Celebrity which is being filmed there and that of course would be the end of the world as we know it. 



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