Nix wants a Proximity Meter

 Nix is very happy today. Not only is her favourite programme ‘I’m a Celebrity’ coming soon, she has discovered that the crew are going to be wearing proximity meters. She wants one of course and she’s already scouring Amazon, I haven’t seen her this happy since before the virus thingy arrived. Apparently they buzz and flash if anyone gets closer than two meters...she is ecstatic. 

I thought it was too good to be true that Nix had remained upright for quite some time. That all changed this morning when she tripped up the kerb and fell flat on her face.  Well to be fair she didn’t actually fall flat on her face, she sort of saved herself and ended up rolling on her side...very embarrassing. Good job she was wearing a duvet at the time, less bruises for you to have to look at hopefully. She has bent her finger backwards so I suppose we’ll all be hearing about that for the next month. Typically of course she blamed me. Apparently I had woken her up too early washing my bits and she couldn’t get back to sleep. She therefore decided to leave the house early while it was still a bit dark and meet our friend further up the road. In her own head, she thinks if she’d gone the normal route she wouldn’t have encountered that particular kerb and therefore would have still been standing. You couldn’t make it up even if you tried. 

Thankfully she could still drive and we went to the woods.


  1. I still haven't found what proximity meters look like....but since a partial lockdown in the CR has started because of horrible covid numbers, I'll give it a go....or will sooner, Fripp, Mum post a picture of her wearing one here? :)

  2. Me neither but still looking 🙂 I’ll definitely post a photo


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