Beardie in Waiting

I’m very bored today, I’m a Beardie in waiting. First of all I had to wait for Nix to get ready this morning. It takes her so long and the noises she makes. She says she’s stiff in the mornings and I understand she’s getting on a bit but I can’t see how all the moaning and groaning is going to help. She says it’s depressing, she can’t reach her own shoes laces any longer... well get some shoes without laces then, it’s not rocket science is it. 

Anyway we got to the beach but it was very windy. Nix was annoyed because for reasons best known to herself she had boooked a four hour shopping delivery slot. This means we had to wait in from 9 o’clock until 1 o’clock for my turkey mince but we wouldn’t have had to if Nix had read the latest text properly which told her it would be delivered between 12 and 1. Anyway the shopping arrived and as usual the delivery child got too close. He kept handing stuff to Nix and she was trying not to touch anything he’d touched. As he was leaving he said, “Stay safe.” which of course set her off again. “I’d be able to stay a lot safer if he’d keep his distance!” This virus thingy is beginning to take its toll I fear. 

I thought we would go out once the shopping was put away but then it started to pour with rain. Nix decided to do a wash instead, a small rug, my collar and lead and her trainers. This was never going to be a quiet hour so I took myself off to bed as far away as possible from that noisy machine. 

Finally my patient waiting paid off and we set off for our walk. I wore another one of my favourite coats to help keep me dry. It’s just to save Nix having to bend down to dry me with a towel, I don’t actually need a coat. 

It wasn’t a long walk and I was quickly bored when we got home...I’m afraid the monkey got it!


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