Beardie Goes to Church...

 Nix and I have been resting for most of today, well it is Sunday, the day of rest. There were noisy skies again last night, scared me but I was okay, I didn’t dig too much. I did however block the route to the bathroom so Nix had to hold on a bit. I also kept jumping up because I thought I heard something. Nix said there was nothing there and I was being very annoying. 

Today on our walk in the woods there were guns going off and I wasn’t scared at all. I don’t see why Nix can’t understand this. I know what guns are and they don’t scare me but the noisy skies do...who knows what they might be, it’s very very scary. There are no photos because Nix was too busy gabbing on the phone the whole time. She said if I bothered to walk with her she wouldn’t be on the phone but because I choose to walk half a mile away, she may as well talk to her friends. I am never half a mile away, that’s much too far.

Nix had her 8am church Zoom thingy this morning. Did you know that I used to go to church with Nix but they had an exploding microphone that scared me. I would drag her out in the middle of the service, she said it was embarrassing so I wasn’t allowed to go any more. I do still go to the pet service in the big church where the microphones are quieter, 

Guess what, we were just walking round the block and this Collie dog started kicking off at a Cockapoo.  The Cockapoo then kicked off back and they were very noisy doing Fripp impressions. Do you want to know what I did...nothing! I completely ignored them but do you think Nix was happy? Oh no, she wanted to know why I couldn’t be like that when the brown curly job was around. She is never going to forget the brown curly job, I fear she is a little obsessed. I have received an exceptional amount of cuddles on our walks today. The lady with the Beardie plaque on her wall gave me especially long ones...I think I love her. 

As I said there are no photos due to Nix’s laziness so I thought you might like to see a photo of moi when I was five, I shall be eleven in January. It was taken on one of our visits to my beach but before we moved here.


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