The Whole of July 2020

1 July - 31 July 2020

So I thought I might get to go to the beach this morning but it was still a no no, Nix is never going to forget that incident. She says every time she looks at the bruise on her knee it reminds her not to go there again. I wouldn’t mind but it wasn’t me that bruised her leg, it was the other dog crashing into her. She’s got two bruises on her other leg anyway which she managed to do all on her own, something about kitchen cabinet doors getting in the way. We ended up going down the river and I was able to be just a little bit annoying by being about as far away as I could be.

We came home and within an hour Nix was bored. All I could hear was, “Oh God I’m bored...” over and over again. She said that I should be grateful that she’s a ‘glass half full’ sort of person because if she was a ‘glass half empty’ sort of person she would be saying she was lonely. To be honest I have no idea what she’s talking about and I do wonder sometimes whether she does. Anyway, she said we could go to the beach but I had to stay on the lead. I knew she’d give in which of course she did.

2 July 2020

Went down the other side of the river this morning with a promise of my favourite walk later in the day if I behaved myself. I was perfectly well-behaved and so, at lunchtime, we set off for Southwick hill. Nix missed the turning because her mind was elsewhere but we made it eventually. I had such a good time and there were lots of dogs and I only had two black Labrador incidents. Nix will tell you it was actually six but I beg to differ. I humped the one Labrador and he told me off so I moved onto the second one. He didn’t seem to mind but Nix made me get off. Every time her back was turned I jumped on him again another four times. This is how Nix’s mind works, six humps, six’s so unfair. Nix did manage to avoid all the bramble hoops which is a miracle in itself though she did go down a rabbit hole but again, miraculously managed to stay on her feet. 

3 July 2020

Bit of a dull day today, most excitement was when I saw the fox in the garden in the middle of the night. I launched myself off the bed and threw myself at the French doors and Nix says apart from nearly giving her yet another heart attack I’ve also broken one of the blinds. It’s not really broken, it’s just stuck in the down position. This is a good thing for me because this will put a halt to Nix’s spying on me in the morning. I like to go in the garden so she opens the French doors but make sure the blinds are half up so she can see if I dig. She says I look over my shoulder to see if she is looking before I dig and when I see she’s looking, I don’t dig. This for once is all true and it’s been very annoying as it’s put a halt to my digging the tunnel into next doors garden.

It seems to me there’s always a reason for not going out just lately. First it was the virus thingy and then it was the rain and today it’s the wind. Having said that I have been out three times  and it’s only 5 o’clock. We went to the park this morning where I posed on the wall that I make Nix climb up when I do my poo up there. She moaned the whole time that the wind was too strong and it was going to blow her over...well that would make a change from her tripping over her own feet. Did I tell you she had new shoes and she blames them too, says the soles are too thick. She now walks by lifting each foot in the air and closely resembles a trotting horse only slower.

4 July 2020

I woke up this morning and apparently it’s Super Saturday whatever that means...something to do with the pubs being open again. I heard the fox in the garden but Nix was already awake so not much point in throwing myself at the French doors, that’s only funny when she’s asleep. We eventually went down the river and I decided to take one last walk in the mud before we went home. Nix wasn’t looking so when we got home she didn’t know it was all in my pads so she didn’t wash them. I am regretting it a bit now because it’s set hard like concrete and Nix has spent all afternoon trying to get it out. 

We’ve been out shopping too. Well I say shopping but we haven’t actually been inside a shop because Nix is too scared of getting the virus thingy. We go to a shop where they have a table outside and you ask them for what you want and they go and get it for you.  Nix says it’s just like the old days. We did go into town later because Nix wanted to see how busy the pubs were, they were very busy. She says we are not going until this virus thingy has moved on a bit.

7 July 2020

So had a good time on the beach this morning. Met a Husky and I was very well-behaved. I did accidentally nearly knock the owner over but that was an honest mistake. Nix refers to it as an incident but it was just an accident. Anyway I was nice to the Husky and I didn’t chase the horses.

We got home in time for our visitors but there was no Cockapoo. I was very disappointed but it was nice for Nix to have a visitor...she doesn’t get many and those that do come mainly come to see me.

This afternoon we went to the pet shop. This was a major breakthrough as Nix hasn’t been in a shop since the virus thingy started, she says she’s too scared. I thought it was very sweet that she chose the pet shop has her first venture into the shops so I was excited to see what she had bought. Do you want to know what she bought...peanuts! I hate the birds.

8 July 2020

I wasn’t very well this morning, I woke up feeling a bit sick and didn’t want my breakfast. We went for a little walk and I ate a lot of grass and was a bit sick. Nix thought I might have something to eat when I got home but I didn’t want anything. She tried to tempt me with a malted milk biscuit but I didn’t really want it.  I know though once the packet is opened they won’t last long so I managed a bit. We went out for another little walk at lunchtime and that made me feel better so I ate all my dinner when I got back. I’ve just been out with the neighbours and Nix had cooked a fresh batch of my dinners so I have had another bowl. I feel much better now and reckon I can squeeze the other three dinners in before bedtime.

9 July 2020

We’ve had a very exciting day today, we’ve driven up to see my dog father Rog. I haven’t seen him for a long time because he’s been very sick in hospital but he’s home now. He’s got a dog called Jed and today was the first time I was to meet him. I was warned before we left that there was to be no mounting...well someone should have told Jed that! I didn’t mind actually, I know he only wanted to play. How come the dogs that I want to play with try to kill me.

Anyway the journey was a nightmare. Frankly Nix shouldn’t really be on the road at all. What with her shocking eyesight and her brain not really working properly it was always going to be a scary journey.  She tested it out on Google maps first so she would know exactly where she was going. She also had the sat nav to give her directions so why when both of those things tell her to take the second exit does she take the first. Bit of a detour but we finally made it doing 30mph in a 60mph zone. Better to be safe than sorry says Nix, should have told that to the white van driver behind us.

We all went for a lovely walk in the woods and then to a local cafe and had breakfast...inside! Nix hasn’t been inside a shop apart from the pet shop since the virus thingie started so this was a first. She even used the loo but that was because she’d have never made it home otherwise. There was a lot of hand sanitising.

10 July

We had another special trip planned today but Nix said I had to wait until lunchtime and she wouldn’t tell me where we were going. I was very excited and couldn’t wait to get started but Nix said if I didn’t calm down she’d leave me at home... ha ha, as if! 

We finally set off and Nix told me we were going to see two big aeroplanes flying over our heads. Now this is not what I had in mind when Nix said we were going on an exciting walk. Apparently they were going to fly over a village near us because a very famous lady called Vera Lynn had died and it was to celebrate her life. Well that’s all well and good but I’m a dog...I am not interested in planes, only walks. 

We’d been driving for about 15 minutes and I decided to have a little nap as all my excitement had been dampened. We finally arrived at our destination and guess what...we were at Devil’s Dyke. This is one of the best walks around and apparently very good to watch planes from so a win win. Well it would have been except it was more of a win lose as Nix couldn’t see the planes. We heard them though, they were very loud. Nix said it sounded like a scene from a war movie.

11 July 2020

So I managed to get Nix up early with ’the look’ and we set off for the beach...yes...the beach!!! It was to be my first visit since the ‘incident’ so I was very excited. Nix thought she was being very clever by attaching a long lead to my collar. She said if there were any incidents she would be able to grab it and haul me in. I did explain that it shouldn’t be attached to a collar, only a harness which we don’t have but she said that’s for dogs that go faster than a brisk walk...I was very annoyed so I pooped on it.

At lunchtime we went for another walk, this time to the woods. I didn’t have to have my long lead on there and although we met lots of dogs there were no incidents...well apart from the Labradoodle. We’ve met him before and I knocked him over then. Today was payback time but I didn’t mind, I was in a really good mood because I’d been to the beach. 

12 July 2022

We’ve had a quiet day today, it’s too hot to go very far. Nix always worries because I don’t eat very much when it’s hot. She seems to think that just because she continues to stuff her face whatever the weather I’m going to do the same...not so! She did do some gardening this afternoon, it was very boring for me but at least it should keep her nice and trim and oh yes, we’ve got another olive tree. I wouldn’t mind but Nix hates olives.

I’m going to the groomers tomorrow and sometimes I get a bit tired there so a day of rest beforehand is a good idea. Did you know I don’t have a ball joint in one of my hips. When I went to live with Nix when I was two she got all my medical records and some x-rays. All the writing was in French but we took them to the vet anyway. He told her that my ball joint must have been removed by a French vet and he showed her the x-ray. Nix nearly fainted as she said she couldn’t see how my leg was staying attached to my body but that was before she knew how clever I am. 

13 July 2020

Oops...I seem to be in trouble again. Now look, if you are going to put pebbles over the top of your flower borders then that’s asking for trouble isn’t it. Pebbles are for digging and moving I wrong. Anyway Nix has got her Bridget knickers in a twist and is very mad...that’s mad angry not mad bonkers as she’s that already. She’s not talking to me, I tried to blame it on the fox but she’s not having any of it. To make matters worse she’s been down the side of the summerhouse and someone has dug a huge hole under next doors fence. Nix says that’s two incidents in one day but that’s not strictly accurate. I’ve been digging the hole into next doors garden for months, she’s just not noticed it before. 

14 July 2020

Nix decided to have a bit of a lay in this morning because we were meeting a friend a bit later on for a new walk down by the river. Now as you know I don’t agree with lay ins, they are extremely boring and there is absolutely no point to them. ‘The stare’ has always worked, sometimes various angles have been required but it’s always worked. This morning Nix was very determined to ignore me. It was a challenge I admit but I like a challenge... the chicken in the mouth was my piece de la worked. She got up, made herself some breakfast but then sat down again to watch the news! Well a chap’s got to do what a chap’s got to do and I had to bring out the big guns... the Jane Robinson Beardie. Now Jane made this for Nix so if ever I want to get her attention, out it comes. It worked two fold this morning because not only did it get her attention, it blocked her view of the TV too.

We had a lovely walk down the river with Honey, the Cavapoo. Nix thought she was a Cockapoo but she knows different now. She lives down the road from us and her owner said she’d show us a new place to walk. I persuaded Honey to walk through the mud with me, that made me very happy, her owner, not so much.

We got home just in time for the turkey mince delivery and Nix cooked it all up for me and then I was ready for another walk. Nix said no, she was waiting for another delivery...a telescope. Yes you heard me right...a telescope.  Now Nix likes to see herself as a bit if an amateur astronomer, amateur being the optimum word. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. She’s going out in the garden in the dark and with her eyesight it can only end in tears.  She says she’s going to look at Jupiter and some moons!  Seriously...I mean she can’t see what’s six feet in front of her so fat chance of her seeing any moons. I did think I might get some digging done in the dark but my entrance has been blocked...I’ve been sabotaged! 

15 July 2020

Went to the beach this morning but I still had my long line on.  Nix has said as long as I behave myself for the rest of the day I can be set free tomorrow. 

We went to the hill at lunchtime and met lots of other dogs. I did get a taste of my own humping medicine but I don’t mind, I think it’s fun. It’s only some dogs that get stroppy. 

This is short today as Nix has a headache. She says it’s all the typing she does for me but I think it’s the Sainsbury’s fiasco. She got all her shopping delivered but it had someone else’s receipt inside and it was for twice as much as she’d spent. She’s now getting her Bridget’s in a twist in case she gets charged for it. The games of Scrabble she plays on the iPad and the squinting that goes along with it can’t help. 

16 July 2020

Went to the other end of the beach this morning so was allowed my freedom. There was only the one very minor incident involving a sandwich which was apparently someone’s breakfast. I have two things to say about that your honour...firstly, who eats sandwiches for breakfast anyway and secondly, if it’s on my bench on its own then it’s mine. It only really became an incident when I wouldn’t let it go and disappeared behind the beach huts with it... was bacon. 

For fun I pretended to poop on the Sea Kale. When Nix got there she could see I hadn’t done anything but another dog had. She knew everyone was watching and they’d think it was mine if she left it so she had to pick it up...she said it was disgustingly cold. Then a grumpy lady was complaining about dog poo on the beach and she kicked it on to the boardwalk where everyone could see it. Nix knew it would get us doggies into trouble so she picked that one up too. 

17 July 2020

So Nix is attempting to turn my Facebook blog into a proper public blog...this could take a long time as she’s a bit slow. Someone told her if I get lots of followers I might get free gifts like dog treats. Nix is annoyed that she won’t get any. 

18 July 2020

Busy day today and I have been very well behaved for the second day in a row. Now you’d think Nix would be happy about that wouldn’t you but oh no, now she’s panicking that there might be something wrong with me. It’s very hot that’s all and I’m not as young as I used to be...she should know all about that! 

I chased the cat on the beach this morning and it jumped over the wall and landed in the swimming pool. I didn’t know cats could swim did you. Anyway it was okay, just a bit damp. 

After lunch we went to the woods so we could keep cool. I had a good if boring time there... no one to chase and then when we got to the dew pond it was mud.

Teatime and we’ve been to the beach again but I stayed on the lead this time as it was busy. We came home and sat on the new bench at the front and then went inside. I had a bit of a nap in the garden and then joined Nix on the bed where she types my blog...she takes up so much room.

19 July 2020

I was allowed off my lead on the beach this morning. Nix promised if I was a good boy we could go and meet Debbie and Scruffy later on. I really wanted to do that so I ignored one cat, one rotting fish and the bad tempered Jack Russell from Round the corner. It was really hard but needs must.

We eventually set off for the woods but only after I’d had to stare at Nix for ages to get her away from the makeup bag.  We eventually got there and it wasn’t long before Debbie and Scruffy arrived. It was raining but we didn’t care, we walked all through the woods and then back down to the beach. The caravan that sells tea and cakes was open and it had stopped raining so Nix and Debbie decided to have a cup of tea. We should have liked to have stayed there for a while but these two mad dogs turned up. One was on the lead and she was nice but the other one was very pushy. He was off the lead and he kept coming up to me and annoying me. I was just about to jump on him when Nix pulled me away and we decided to head on down to the sea. Scruffy is very brave, he runs straight in and swims...I just like to paddle a bit.

On the way back somehow Scruffy and I got very very muddy. When Nix and I got home I jumped on the bed before she could put the towels on and she only changed the bedding yesterday, she’s not happy.  She said my feet are disgusting and she’ll have to take me back to our beach so I can get them win

20 July 2020

We had a walk on the beach and a walk down the river and there were lots of things for Nix to photograph. There were paddle boarders, kayakers, kite surfers, canoeists, a speed boat and a home made sailing boat with a strange man in it. The reason we don’t have any photos is that Nix left her phone at home. She only realised half way down the river and then of course we had to turn round and come back just in case. Just in case of what I have no idea, it’s all in Nix’s head so you’d have to ask her. 

We’ve just come back from the beach actually and it’s almost midnight. Nix wanted to photograph something called the Milky Way and I was very excited about going out so late. Unfortunately there was a bit of an incident earlier and I very nearly got left at home...on my own. We’d been having a quick walk round the block when I spotted the brown curly job on the other side of the road coming towards us. I started off as usual by whimpering and barking and then when he got level with us I went ballistic as Nix would put it. I reared and bucked and barked and cried and tried to get free. I twisted and turned and generally threw myself around and it was all Nix could do to hang on to me. She said I hurt her hands where she was holding on to the lead so tightly and that I was very badly behaved and an embarrassment. I was sent to my room when we got home so I honestly didn’t think I’d be going to the beach tonight but I did the pathetic stare from the doorway and Nix is a very forgiving other words, a pushover. There are no photos of the Milky Way, not as easy as she thought apparently.

21 July 2020

So we had a very late night on the beach last night because Nix had wanted to take photos of the Milky Way.  I had to just sit and wait... very boring.  We had a lovely lie in this morning though and just got up in time to catch low tide at the beach. Nix was trying to get me to eat a treat off a big yellow ball...why? Who knows how her mind works. Anyway there was no way I was going to eat it, it would be all salty and I knew there were cleaner ones in her bag. 

She wanted to video me jumping over one of the groynes so I consented begrudgingly. Now she’s watched it back and convinced herself there’s something wrong with my front legs. As if it isn’t bad enough she catastrophises over herself, she’s now doing the same to me. If it hadn’t been for the virus thingy we’d have been at the vets by now. 

Speaking of the virus thingy, all the humans have to wear a mask in shops from this Friday. Nix has already been trying hers on and she says she can’t breathe, it won’t stay on and her glasses steam up. She never goes to the shops anyway so I can’t see it will make much of a difference to her.

We’ve been into town but Nix said the experience was ruined because she was on tenterhooks the whole time in case I had an incident. Actually there was a brown curly dog there but I wasn’t bothered...Nix nearly had a heart attack.

Oh yes, when we were on the beach this morning, Nix wanted to take a photo of a man in skimpy trunks doing press ups on the rocks so I had to pose so she could pretend she was photographing me...sad!

22 July 2020

I’m so excited that Sheila, Ron and Willow are coming to visit tomorrow, I almost forgot to write my blog.

Last night Nix refused to take me on our usual walk because of the incident the night before. She says I embarrassed her so I got another lecture before we went out. Well I say lecture, it was more of a threat really... Battersea Dogs Home was mentioned and I’m thinking that’s probably not a good thing. 

She’d forgotten all about it this morning and we set off for the beach. There were a lot of labradors but I was very good and even played with some of them. Later we went on a little drive to deliver some seeds from the poppies in our garden. I didn’t knock them over by the way, it was the wind. This lady had posted to say someone had stolen hers so Nix said she could have some of ours. When we got there she had left some purple Poppy seeds for us. Nix always wanted purple Poppies so she was very happy. I took advantage of her good mood and dragged her into town and we got smoothies. The lady who serves us asked me if I was still being a naughty dog... honestly Nix is soooo annoying.  Anyway we sat in the churchyard in the shade. I didn’t really get a smoothie, I got water.

23 July 2020

So I woke up very excited this morning because I was going to meet Sheila and Ron and Willow for the first time. Nix and I went for a quick walk round the block before they came but I was disappointed to see that the pet rabbit that I like to annoy had been replaced by a moving shell. It’s a good job that I had Willow’s visit to look forward to otherwise the day would’ve been very boring indeed. I was so busy thinking about the moving shell that I wasn’t concentrating when I did my wee and it went all over Nix’s foot...I don’t think she noticed!

Eventually Sheila and Ron and Willow arrived and we all went for a walk on the beach. I really like them and Willow is very pretty. She lay down in the sea while I chased another dog’s ball which apparently is par for the course whatever that means. Willow and I had a little sleep when we got back and Nix and Sheila and Ron ate pastries and drank coffee. They seemed to enjoy themselves, humans are so easily amused. 

Nix tried to get away with not taking me out until teatime but I think not. I gave her my best bored expression but she said it just showed off my dirty teeth so I might stick with the intensive stare in future. We had a little walk round the recreation ground and a mooch in the woods and when we got home we had a surprise visit from some old friends of Nix’s from Hove. Nix was very happy indeed to see Kris and Mick but it’s a good job I got my walk in because humans can talk for ages. 

24 July 2020

Bit of a disaster this morning and for once it really wasn’t my fault unless you can blame the wind on me.  Nix was having one of her turns so she opened the lounge window to cool down. Now the one thing you don’t do if you live in Shoreham-by-Sea is to then open the back doors as well as on most days this is always going to cause a minor hurricane to blow through the house. If you are going to do this then it is probably best not to have your important papers sitting on the table especially if you’ve put them all into piles ready for filing. She finally got them all in the right piles again but now she’s got to actually file them...never going to happen. 

I was so well behaved yesterday when Willow came to visit that I got to go to Devil’s Dyke this morning...

25 July 2020

So it’s wet and windy today and I’m bored. We had our morning walk on the beach but Nix wanted to come home when we were only half way. She said trying to walk against the wind was slowing her down and taking twice as long and so it was only fair we turned round earlier. What she does not take into account is that on the way back the wind was behind us and so it reduced the walk time by half. It’s simple maths isn’t it, I’ve been done. 

I managed to persuade Nix to stop moaning about being bored and actually get off her backside and do something. I reminded her that she had miscalculated the amount of green beans she would need for my meals this week and so a visit to the farmers market would be essential. We stopped off at the churchyard on the way and I tested out a few of the benches and then we queued for the beans.   Now we’re home and Nix is having to cut all the ends off the beans because someone actually picked them fresh rather than Sainsbury’s delivering them straight from the freezer. 

I should just like to add that the small piece of fence that has been placed round the side of the summerhouse will not stop the fox from trying to dig into next door because I can get round the other way.

26 July 2020

Look I know it’s only two hours since the neighbours took me out and yes, that means it’s only one and a half hours since I got back but I’m still bored. It’s alright for Nix, she’s watching Christmas movies, in the summer, but I’m still bored. 

We did go to the beach this morning and I was allowed off the lead and there were no incidents.  I’m ten and a half now and I’m getting a bit tired in the mornings so we don’t go quite as far as we did. This means we don’t quite make it to the coastwatch lookout where they leave a bowl of water out for the dogs.  Nix now has to carry a bottle of water for me and she wants to know why her bag is full of stuff for me. There’s my water bowl, my bottle of water, my treats, my poo bags and a little purse with instructions of who to call if Nix drops dead. For some reason called catastrophising she is always convinced she’s going to. Anyway there’s no room for anything else in the bag so I don’t know what she’s going on about, it’s basically my bag and she carries it...just how it should be. 

When I got bored again we went to Lancing Ring, one of my favourite walks. When we got there the car park was full and we had to drive to the other side and somehow we ended up in a graveyard. Not sure how that happened but it will have something to do with Nix’s sense of direction or lack of to be precise. 

We came home via the shops and all the humans are wearing masks, apparently it’s the law now. Nix says she’s not going in any shops masks or no masks.

27 July 2020

Nix woke up in a very good mood this morning, something to do with dreaming about Ewan McGregor whoever he is.  Anyway we went to the beach and I met up with some friends and Nix spent ages looking for my poo. She didn’t find it until we got home, it was attached to my tail 🤣

She left the door to the spare room open so I’ve made myself very comfortable in there.  It’s really wet and windy and Nix is too much of a wimp to take me out again so I may as well sleep. I hope she realises I can’t be expected to keep everyone amused if I’m stuck indoors all day. 

28 July 2020

My turkey mince arrived today and they sent turkey breast instead of turkey thigh. Now as it’s a lot more expensive and more suited to my standing in society you’d have thought Nix would be pleased especially as she only has to pay for the cheaper stuff. There’s always a drama though, apparently it’s harder to stir than the thigh mince and it makes her arm ache...seriously.

Once all the food was put away and Nix had eaten the entire bag of chocolate caramel nibbles, we set off for Hove. We were to visit our old pet shop because it’s the only place we can get our favourite poo bags from. I say we but frankly I couldn’t care what sort we get, I don’t have to pick it up. Anyway as you know Nix has hardly been in a shop since we were released from lockdown so today she decided she was going in the pet shop come what may. She left the house armed with a mask and gloves and we made our way over to Hove. We parked up the road from the pet shop and Nix put the mask and gloves on in the car. All that fuss and then when we got there we couldn’t go inside anyway, we had to wait outside to be served. Wanting to put the mask and gloves to good use we made our way to a petrol station and filled up with fuel. Nix was annoyed because she was the only one wearing a mask. 

From there we headed up to the Three Cornered Copse and I received the usual lecture. “If you go missing in those woods you’ll be in big trouble and you won’t go again!” She also threatened to put a bell on my a cat.

29 July 2020

We went to the beach this morning and I was very good. There were no incidents though Nix would say there was one when I got lost. Thing is there’s a big difference between actually being lost and being too far away for Nix to see me. It’s not my fault if she needs to get her eyes tested but she’s too scared to go to the optician in case she gets the virus thingy. 

We had to wait in all morning for a phone call from BT about Nix’s broadband which of course she needs to tell you all about me. The phone call never came so Nix was furious. She was ranting on about writing to the CEO whoever he is but he’d better watch out, she’s in a really bad mood. 

To make up for a very boring morning and a very angry Nix we went to a new bit of the river which I really liked.  Nix is annoying though because she’s always calling me and suggesting I might be going deaf. We all know of course there’s a huge difference between going deaf and not actually being remotely interested in what the other person has to’s called selective hearing.

29 July 2020

I hear Nix has been making jokes about sending me off to Mars on Perseverence. She said anyone would need perseverance to spend that long in an enclosed space with me. She doesn’t mean it of course, just thinks she’s funny which she’s not.

I got a spiky thing stuck in my tail which Nix failed to notice and I had to pull it out myself. Unfortunately I got a bit stuck in my throat and I go a bit mad when that happens and eat everything. Last time I ripped the dog bed up and ate it in the back of the car and Nix had to collect all my poo for the next two days to make sure there was no bedding left inside me. It was like the raw meat fiasco all over again. Rubber gloves and hair clip on nose and eyes squinted shut. I don’t know why she bothers with the squinting eyes because she can’t see very far anyway. Have to give it to her, she matched every last piece to the holes in the bedding.

Nix went to the beach without me this afternoon so she could go and splash around in the sea.  She can’t swim and she’s embarrassing so glad I didn’t have to go.

31 July 2020

It was very very hot today so we haven’t been far. We were going to the woods this morning but everyone wanted to come to the seaside and we got stuck in traffic. Nix remained reasonably calm considering, I was impressed. Anyway we found a new place to walk by accident and I managed to get a bit of a dip to cool off but I smelled a bit when I came out. Nix says I smelled a lot. Please note there is a black Labrador still standing.

I’ve been taking it easy in the summerhouse whilst Nix deserted me to go to the beach. She got caught in a big wave and she was soaked when she got back...serves her right for leaving me on my own.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes but I’m a beginner so still have to find the easiest way to get them. I write daily so if you comment on the actual day it will be easier to find.


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