The Vegetation Incident

1 Sept - 30 Sept 2020 I am traumatised, I have had a vegetation incident at the local park. Nix didn’t seem to understand why I was rubbing my nose into the ground so she came to have a closer look. There was blood in my moustache and I had a huge sticky thing stuck between the end of my nose and my lip. Nix tried to get it out but I wouldn’t let her. Eventually she talked me round, well actually she got me into a half nelson and gently prised it free. It took a long time and it hurt a bit but it was much better once it was gone. While I was panicking I must have swallowed some of it and we all know what happened last time I swallowed a prickly thing, I ate my bedding in the car on the way home. Nix had to search my poop for days to make sure it had all come out. Just in case this time Nix took all the bedding out of the car but I started on the carpet. In the end I had to sit in the front on the passenger seat so Nix could keep an eye on me. We are home now and I’ve had som...