
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Whole of June 2020

1 June - 30 June 2020 So we were going to have a quiet day at home today but Nix gets bored so easily. She blames it on me giving her the evils but I was fast asleep in the garden minding my own business when Nix suddenly decided we were going to the woods and the beach. I know she likes to make out I’m naughty all the time but it doesn’t come naturally and I have to prepare. It was all a bit of a rush this morning so I didn’t have time to work out a plan of naughtiness. So there were just the two incidents this morning and one of them was mainly Nix’s own fault. The attempted flattening of the poncy poodle didn’t work as it was built like a brickhouse and wasn’t going anywhere. I take no shame in my failure, one can but try. For the second incident Nix can only blame herself. She wanted to go over the slippery pebble so she could get me cleaned off in the sea. She’d have slipped anyway without my help by jumping up and to be honest she only got the one trainer wet, not such a big deal...