The Whole of May 2020

1 May - 31 May 2020 One of Nix’s old friends phoned this morning. I could hear Nix going on about how hard things are at the moment in lockdown. That’s a laugh, life is exactly the same for Nix as it was before this lockdown thingy. She takes me out and then sits and watches TV. Then she takes me out again and comes back and watches TV. Then...well I don’t need to go on do I, basically her life in lockdown is exactly the same as it was before. Today’s been really boring, windy and raining and we haven’t been out that much so I thought I might tell you the story of the Brighton Marina incident. Nix never talks about it because secretly she feels it was her fault which of course it was for not paying attention. It’s just over a year ago and we were staying out at the marina while our bungalow was being done up. We had a lovely apartment with a courtyard looking out to all the boats. This particular day Nix didn’t see the cat trespassing in our garden. I did of course and we had a bit of ...