The Whole of April 2020

1 April -30 April 2020 We went for a walk along the beach and there was a minor incident which wasn’t my fault. This brown dog came strutting down the boardwalk like he owned the place so he had to be told...someone had to do it and that someone was me. I ran at it and tried to mount it but it was quicker than me and bit me on my bottom. It didn’t really hurt and it was worth it because it got told off by its human. Nix of course ruined it all by apologising for moi. Had a lovely sleep when I got home. 2 April 2020 Nix was really bored so she decided to put some highlights in her own hair as all the hairdressers are closed. This was never going to be a good idea because whilst I must admit she is very good at doing other people’s hair, it was always going to be difficult to do her own with her dreadful eyesight. She was not happy with the result and to make matters worse she dropped the hairdryer and broke it. So now she’s bored and grumpy. We went to the beach this afternoon, qui...